27.07.2024 11:02:49 PRD
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EBCI, Brussels South
Charleroi, Belgium




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Homepage: www.charleroi-airport.com 
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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
08.08.16 Michael Noel
Due to the number of commercial airplanes, long waiting times at the holding point. Many times 10 minutes or more.
GA at S, Commercial traffic on the N.
My grade: Fair enough - it's a flat place to crash    Category:  
18.06.08 Bernhard Schnittger
The main terminal and its bus services have now moved to the North of the runway. General aviation has stayed at the old terminal on the Southern side from where it is difficult to get away with public transport.
12.09.06 Andreas Riedel
The Ryan Air bus is now leaving to Brussels on the hour every hour in front of the terminal building.
Category:   City access   
13.09.05 Andreas Riedel
The trip will take about 1 hour to Brussels together. The connections from the train station are good. Best check the Ryan Air schedule for departuere time of the bus as they leave 2.5 hour before departure from Gare du Midi and after arrivel in Charleroi
13.09.05 Andreas Riedel
Good airport to reach Brussels. Ryan Air shuttle bus will cost €10,50 direct to Brussel Midi station. Otherwise train from Charleroi to Brussels € 7,50 (1st class €11,50) and bus to train station € 1,80.
Airport charges are beeing sent by invoice.
Very helpful flying school.
Category:   City access   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR Total   26.09.13
Avgas 100LL EUR   06.06.13
Avgas 100LL EUR   19.08.12
Avgas 100LL EUR invoice to be sent  19.03.07
EUR   03.02.07
Avgas 100LL EUR Total Either bank card or an invoice is beeing sent. Price as per 13.9.05  03.02.07
Avgas 100LL EUR   03.02.07
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
07.03.14 Jean-Francois De Coster
Other Type: 9.08 per ton MTOW VAT incl, / parking 2.09 per ton per day VAT incl.
05.10.06 Andreas Riedel
Twin < 2 to. PA30 Landing Fee (Ton) 7,50 + VAT Total charged € 18,15 no parking fee no parking fee for 4 days invoice will be sent
17.10.05 Andreas Riedel
Twin < 2 to. PA 30 Landing fee € 13,60
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 14.03.15 by Sebastien Dupont [mrbazounet]
Submitted 14.03.15 by Sebastien Dupont [mrbazounet]
Commercial Terminal
Submitted 14.03.15 by Sebastien Dupont [mrbazounet]
Submitted 13.09.06 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
Downwind for right turn 07
Submitted 12.09.06 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
On final for 07
Submitted 13.09.05 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
Take off from runway 25
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