27.07.2024 12:37:08 PRD
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EBKT, Wevelgem

Kortrijk, Belgium




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Homepage: www.kortrijkairport.be/ 
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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
23.12.15 Ivo Smutny
As said before plus you don't pay any handling fees on the place, they will send you invoice later in accordance what you fill in their book...
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:  
18.04.11 Bernhard Schnittger
Nice airport but you need to register by hand next to the tower even if all you want to do is take your plane to one of the maintenance companies on the other side of the runway. Much too expensive for a simple landing!
My grade: Fair enough - it's a flat place to crash    Category:  
16.08.10 claus buhrmann
Hi, landed at the airport 11th of July 2010 with two Europas, SE-XVT and SE-XRX. Really fine service, and very uncomplicated self-service at the fuelstation. Some problems with the fax for sending flightplans, but assistance at hand at once. No money to spend here - you get a bill sent to your tail no, for both fuel and landing fee! That's what I call first class service, and progress!

My grade: Your average airport for the area    Category:   Fuelstop   
21.05.07 Simon Muylaert
Long runway, friendly and helpfull staff but don't expect any extra's or anything special. Close and easy acces to city (Kortrijk) but too expensive.
My grade: Fair enough - it's a flat place to crash    Category:   City access   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR Total   27.06.13
Avgas 100LL EUR Very practical fuel-selfservice, bill is sent to your address!  16.08.10
Avgas 100LL EUR Total Landing Fees will be invoiced together with fuel charge  23.07.07
Avgas 100LL EUR   01.07.04
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
18.04.11 Bernhard Schnittger
Single < 2 to. R90R 29,31 for a landing (domestic flight), including a safety fee. Extremely expensive for just a quick stop-over!
21.05.07 Simon Muylaert
Single < 2 to. DA40 € 21,05 for landing Landing fee is charged via invoice. Price was surprisingly high in my opinion.
03.02.07 vergouts
Single < 2 to. approach is at 9,00 eur per app + VAT + international arr (3,15 eur) or international dep. (3,15 eur) the limit time for these movements is sunset
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 18.03.10 by Jan Brill [janbrill]
Apron seen from the tower.
Submitted 18.03.10 by Jan Brill [janbrill]
RWY 24
Submitted 18.03.10 by Jan Brill [janbrill]
approach to RWY 24
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