27.07.2024 07:23:36 PRD
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EBOS, Oostende





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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
09.07.20 Alexander Bubenik
GA Parking on apron 3 (6 hours free of charge). Service level is first class, easy refuelling, nice GA terminal with helpful people, bus stop in front of GA terminal and in front of main terminal (8 minutes walk). Bus line 6 (2,50 € single ride) to Oostende central station (e.g. train to Brugge runs every 20 minutes / 8,60 € for a return ticket).
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access    Beach/Nature/Camping   
28.07.17 Mario Nason
Great and fast service
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
16.07.16 Michael Noel
Night landing and overnight stay
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
19.08.10 Marc Tanz
Easy access to town by bus (Bus stop in front of terminal). Rides every 10-15 minutes, takes +- 15 min to downtown railway station. Nice for a daytrip. Apt fees can be checked on their Net-site.
Category:   City access   
03.10.05 gerd sidenstein
Category:   Fuelstop   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR TNA Services Flight to UK / Payment with fuel truck driver  16.08.23
Avgas 100LL EUR TNA – SERVICES NV you have to settle the fuel charge with the fuel truck driver  08.07.20
Avgas 100LL EUR VISA/MC accepted  28.07.17
Avgas 100LL EUR Merlin Fuel   29.07.06
Avgas 100LL EUR   01.05.00
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
16.08.23 Marc Tanz
Single < 2 to. SR22 Airport fee + security fee plus Adm fee + Vat was 57,17.-€ (Fuel stop, 2 persons) Technical stop (90 minutes) for refuelling and Immigration towards UK
09.07.20 Alexander Bubenik
Single < 2 to. SR20 Airport Fee 66,79 € + 2 € Security Fee (1 Pax) + 4,68 € Administration Fee + 21% VAT T/O 10,79 €, Landing 10,79 €, Parking 3,23 €/t for 24 h (min 16,19 €)
28.07.17 Mario Nason
Single < 2 to. Cirrus SR-20 20 € No use of apron
16.07.16 Michael Noel
Single < 2 to. PA28 €151 €100 landing at night
28.05.16 Wilfred Knigge
Single < 2 to. C172 LDG € 10,- T/O € 10,-. 1 POB
11.10.11 Nico Reyns
Single < 2 to. DA20 C1 €24,20 DOF100821 T/O €10 + LDG €10 + VAT 21%
03.02.07 vergouts
Other Type: aircraft below 2T 24.20€ for landing or overshoot 5€ pax fee (natianal) 10€ pax fee (international) between 22.00 and 07.00 night landing fee 242€
29.07.06 Henning Dammann-Emden
Single < 2 to. C 150 Landing 12,10 €
03.10.05 gerd sidenstein
Single < 2 to. PA28T Ldg.+Abflug BF 460.- = € 11,40 Daten von 1999
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 08.08.16 by Michael Noel [michaelnoel]
Submitted 08.08.16 by Michael Noel [michaelnoel]
Submitted 01.08.11 by Michael Stumpf [mstumpf]
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