27.07.2024 11:47:05 PRD
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LDPN, Unije (Island)





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Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
04.09.23 Giuseppe Cane
mandatory authorization to request the Croatian CAA, for landing on a natural surface. It is a litte bit bumpy. As natural surface, no maintainance, no services at all. All the money you can save in landing fees saved, it will be spent, moltiplied more times, for food and average accomodations, not up to the mark for any pilot: 100€ for a double bed room, no bathroom and no breakfast.
My grade: It's a ripoff but I have seen worse    Category:   Beach/Nature/Camping   
06.07.13 joerg Werner
According to Staff in Losinj Airport, Unije is closed since a few weeks. I didn`t check with the operator of Unije airport.
12.08.12 Krasnodar Raguz
All information about airfield Unije(LDPN) you can get at airport Vrsar(LDPV) pilots offices.We run and own Unije airfield(LDPN) and you can make custom duties for Croatia,flight plans,refueling,free wi-fi,accomodation.skybar for pilots and after than fly directly to Unije or other Croatian destination.Also we are exit point for custom from Croatia.
info :aeroklubvrsar@gmail.com or +38598233676 Kris(airport manager)
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access    Aviation heritage    Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
27.07.08 Thomas Moser
Great view while in traffic pattern, 5 min. walk to village. The planes are visible from the beach and from your room ;-)
Good for swimming and sunbathing. Restaurants directly on the harbor / beach, food ok, sunset great!
It was a bit difficult for us to book a room for just one night.
Category:   Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
16.07.07 Andreas Riedel
if landing on 23 than touch down after windsock recommended due to ridge in the surface which ensures another take off.
Landing on 05 is fine.
Drago Tel. new +385- (0)98280290, can also book rooms
Category:   Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
26.03.06 Friedrich Klinkert
Grass strip 100 m from the beach (located about 11 NM NW from Losinj Airfield). Length 850 m, landing direction 05/23. Frequency 123,50
After entrance (LDRI,LDPL or LDLO) you may contact Mr. Drago (spricht auch Deutsch) on his mobile phone: +385-98-415434 for landing information. For some more details please check the WEB page.
Category:   Beach/Nature/Camping   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
27.07.08 Thomas Moser
Single < 2 to. P28R 30 Euros / 115 Kunas flat for Landing and one night parking. Limited facilites for flightplanning.
16.07.07 Andreas Riedel
Twin < 2 to. PA 30 Landing € 26, Parking 3 days € 16,00 no fuel available
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 28.06.11 by Patrick deGoum [patsky]
A view from the West in June 2011
Submitted 16.07.07 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
finals for 23
Submitted 26.03.06 by Friedrich Klinkert [klinkert]
View from North
Submitted 26.03.06 by Friedrich Klinkert [klinkert]
Arrival of ferry which connects several islands with Losinj.
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