27.07.2024 07:36:31 PRD
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LECH, CASTELLON international Airport

Castellon, Spain




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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
28.05.24 Frank Naumann
operating hours 6:00-18:00 UTC, 18:00-20:00 PPR 72h in advance, handling for aircraft<2t not mandatory, no crew facilities whatsoever, modest cafeteria in main terminal.
My grade: Your average airport for the area    Category:  
21.06.22 Henrik Knoblauch
Good Airport for fuel stop. Opening hours are now muchbetter, but check AIP in advance. The apron is full of "aircraft on maintenance", or what else missing engines mean :-) AVGAS is available from the gas station. No very crowed, just a few charter flights each week. Very friendly staff. The fees need to be payed in the main terminal at the first floor. No direct entry from the apron. We needed to leave the apron via the turnstile and re-enter the terminal through the main entrance. The airport is in the middle of nowhere, so don´t expect anything outside the terminal. It´s just an airport.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop   
26.04.17 Rudolf Rudolf JOHNER
Open since 2011, build with 150 Million €, the first commercial airliner landed in September 2015 on the 2500 m RWY (06/24). Now the airport is open only a few hours, when an airliner is scheduled and that is mainly in the evening, all day only Sunday and Monday, morning Wednesday only. We had VIP service for little money! TWR (phone 00 34 964 578 600, extension 2101) is very helpful, also for car rental by MALCO Rent a car, who came in for us twice on a holiday ( 200 € /week small car with full insurance & >1000 km free). Excellent airport except the very limited opening hours! Beautiful highway link to the costal highway.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:  
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR no BP card accepted, despite it´s a BP Agent.They use the card only for the billing address  21.06.22
Avgas EUR DAYF ENERGIA 2.106 PLUS 21% Tax  26.04.17
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
28.05.24 Frank Naumann
Businessjet C525 ldg € 50,72 parking 5 h € 24,49 handling € 515,46
21.06.22 Henrik Knoblauch
Single < 2 to. PA28 14,71€ (Ldg, no overnight parking)
26.04.17 Rudolf Rudolf JOHNER
Single < 2 to. MCR4 10 Euros parking per day plus 25 Euros for all other fees
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 21.06.22 by Henrik Knoblauch [henrik_k]
Final RWY06
Submitted 21.06.22 by Henrik Knoblauch [henrik_k]
AVGAS Refueling is a little bit hidden near the G10 stand. The container from the BP refueling agent is near the airport fence.
Submitted 21.06.22 by Henrik Knoblauch [henrik_k]
Looks busy - but it´s not. All A/C´s on the picture are missing their engines.
Submitted 26.04.17 by Rudolf Rudolf JOHNER [rudolfjohner]
We were the only aircraft!
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