18.01.2025 22:36:16 PRD
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LEVC, Valencia




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Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
30.12.12 Rainer Calandri
For Valencia - like most major Spanish airports - it is mandatory to have an handling agent. This is not mentioned in the Jeppesen airport directory and often not even in then notams. I was informed about this rule via the flight planning software (Rocket Route).
In Spain it is also helpful to have a valid VAT number. This makes things much easier and you can save some money on refueling, just say "commercial".
The costs for landing and handling agent via Servisair are as follows:
Handling 148.68 Euros, slot Request 24.20 Euros, landing fees 51.62 Euros, ADM Fee 4.58 Euros, total 229.09 Euros. The costs for two nights parking did not show up.
To the city you may take a taxi for about 20 Euros. But before you leave get a map and description how to return to the GA building (blocco tecnico), because the taxi driver might not know the way.
08.08.11 wehrhard
This airport is a real rip-off. I payed for 8 days incl. handling (mandatory) 380 Euros. The airport does not like the GA, that is obvious. The high landing fee made a fliying school at the airport bankrupted in July 2011. The handling alone (Serviceair was 125 Euro + tax) was very friendly but to be honest, I do not need him. But if you want to refuel a plane and you are NOT a Spanish citizen, is very difficult. Because every Spain citizen has a tax number which is the same off the ID-Card, which is mandatory for refuelling (even with private flights). If you don not have a Tax- or a VAT number, you get a problem with the refuelling. The refueller takes than usually you passport number and makes a DE or FR in front off it and plays with the checksum until the number fits or he asked you for a DE VAT number, if you give him one and you fly private, it could happen, that you get problems with the VAT-authory in you home-country. The airport itself is a low traffic airport. They asked for a slot, but I do not know why. There are bigger and more frequently used airports in Europe, which do not need a slot. May be they do it, to give the pilot the “feeling” that she/he wants to land at an busy airport, which is wrong. The Serviveagent from Serviceair told me, that the airport authority told them, that they do not really care about GA. They want bigger aircrafts, because they get more money from the government if they get more passengers. And a smal aircraft with 6-10 persons is not interessting.
Category:   City access   
30.04.09 MH
Handling 168.-EUR
Landing 14.-EUR
My grade: I wouldn't land there if my engine stopped!    Category:  
01.04.07 Egon Steiner
Neue Restriktionen in Valencia. Für Flüge nach Valencia wird neu ein Slot verlangt. Dieser soll sieben Tage vor dem geplanten Ankunfstdatum eingeholt werden. Telefon +34 96 159 8535. Zudem wird neu ein Handling Agent verlangt. Der Zoll verweigert den Eintritt in das Gebäude, wenn nicht schon ein Handling Agent vor Ort ist. Billigster Handling Agent ist Servisair mit 25.-- Euro je Crewtransport. Die anderen verlangen 60.-- Euro und mehr. Telefon Servicair: +34 96 159 8689 VHF 131.475.
Angeblich kann Serviceair den Slot noch am Vortag der Anreise organisieren. Mit dieser Massnahme verteuert sich die Landgebühr um 50.--Euro.
My grade: It's a ripoff but I have seen worse    Category:  
01.12.06 kurthofmann
Big airport; much cargo and touristic flights;
My grade: Your average airport for the area    Category:   Fuelstop   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR   08.08.11
Jet A1 EUR clh   30.04.09
Avgas (Taxfree) 100 LL EUR CLH   01.04.07
Avgas 100LL EUR price on 27.10.06  04.12.06
Avgas 100LL EUR   01.05.04
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
30.12.12 Rainer Calandri
Single < 2 to. M20T 229,09 Euros total for landing, mandatory handling agent und two nights parking.
08.08.11 wehrhard
Twin < 5,7 to. AEST 8 days with handling (mandatory) 380 Euros Keep away from this field. use LECN - Castellon
30.04.09 MH
Single < 2 to. pa46 Handling 168.-EUR Landung 14.-EUR
01.04.07 Egon Steiner
Single < 2 to. M20K Landing Euro 10.16, Parking Euro 2.44/Tag neu: Transport 25 Euro je Weg
16.02.07 Egon Steiner
Single < 2 to. M20K Euro 15.56 für 3 Tage
01.12.06 kurthofmann
Single < 2 to. C172RG 11,44
18.09.06 Andreas Meier
Twin < 2 to. PA34 11,44
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