27.07.2024 13:18:40 PRD
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DOMME, France




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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
26.04.16 Alex Schneider
A nice and friendly airport with low landing tax and no parking fee.
A Bar is on the airfield. Accommodations and good restaurants are available in the neighbourhood.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
26.07.06 Andreas Riedel
Category:   Romantic getaway   
02.07.06 Nigel Smith
Stunning airfield at about 1000' above the Dordogne, easy to find with a military aerial installation (golf balls and dishs) just to the south (can be seen from 50nm away!! 3hrs from Bournemouth in an PA28R. Stunning gites available nearby, my friend has some at www.auprevert.com and Im sure would pick you up from the airport!!
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Romantic getaway   
09.01.06 Andreas Riedel
Spectacular airfield on top of the Dordogne valley with some of the best restaurants very close by. During lunch hours there will be no service as usual in France, landing with windsock. Access with Taxi to Domme and Sarlat
Category:   Romantic getaway   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR Total Accept Total card  26.04.16
EUR Fuel can be limited, should be inquired before arrival.  26.07.06
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
26.07.06 Andreas Riedel
Twin < 2 to. PA30 € 2,00 No parking fee for 3 days
02.07.06 Nigel Smith
Single < 2 to. PA28R Small change - charged me 11 Euros for 3 landings and 4 nights parking
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 26.07.06 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
The town of Domme from the east
Submitted 26.07.06 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
on finals for 011
Submitted 26.07.06 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
on base leg to 011
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