27.07.2024 11:11:50 PRD
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LFPN, Toussus Le Noble





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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
12.05.24 Nicolas Gilg
Contact me for any info you need when planning your trip to LFPN (nicolas.gilg@yahoo.fr)
12.07.17 Edwin Slonim
Don't bother fiddling with the card access machjne,. the door is open ! Read the sign on the wall and contact them to arrange payment by email.
Yes, operating hours can vary. PNR for customs required, but they didn't show.
Great place near Paris, catch taxi to Versailles and train from there, or taxi direct (about €80)
My grade: Fair enough - it's a flat place to crash    Category:   City access   
20.06.17 Alexander Wipf
Fundamentally good to great airport, infrastructurally. However, odd opening times that keep changing, aren't fully published in the AIP, and then almost German pedantery, uncommon to the usual french way of doing things. Airport is closed for only local traffic on Mondays where AIS is not occupied. According to tower employees, foreign planes cannot take off even if they speak french. No explanation, no transparency.
My grade: Fair enough - it's a flat place to crash    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
13.08.16 Olver Rudin
Airport is closed on Sundays during Summer from 12:00LT to 15:00LT (Aka locally as the 'barbecue break'). Collect an access badge before entering the terminal building airside to be able to get back to your plane upon leaving. Badge dispenser by the entrance door.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access   
16.07.11 Arndt Lauterbach
Sehr professioneller GA Airport für Paris mit ILS und Approach über die Stadt. Taxi downtown ca. 60€.
Turnaround mit Tanken in<30 Min.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
12.04.11 Sjoerd Jan ter Welle
You can rent a car and pick up the key to the car from the pilotshop at the airport during the opening hours of the pilotshop. This way you can fly to Paris and drive away immediately. Landing fee is paid by filling in a form with your details and creditcard info and dropping it in a box in the tower building. That is it! Due to the parallel runways in use, it can be busy when approaching the airport.
25.05.09 Elmar Bresser
Good access to Paris and Versailles. Order fuel by phone. You will receive an invoice for landing fee by post-mail. However I learned that they sometimes forget this. You will have a excellent view over Paris when you approach Toussous from the North.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
12.03.07 Egon Steiner
Besser als Mietwagen sind in Paris die öffentlichen Verkehrmittel.
Entweder Taxi bis Versailles Chantier Bahnhof nehmen Kosten ca. 17 Euro oder mit dem Bus ab Haltestelle Aviation (ca. 200m vom Flugplatz) Kosten Euro 1.40 zum Bahnhof. Dann mit der Bahn nach Montparnasse Euro 2.10
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access   
12.02.06 Thorsten Weilekes
IFR: Be prepared for many frequency changes during the approach.
Take off can be long delayed even if already lined-up due to lots of other IFR-traffic from near by airports (Orly and Le Bourget).

General: Rental car arrangement best done by Europcar in advance,
car keys managed by the pilot shop beside the tower.
Restaurant can be recommended, kind of typical french brasserie.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access   
01.09.05 Andreas Riedel
Beschränkungsgebiet von Villacoublay bei Anflug auf 25 beachten. Bezahlt wird durch Rechnung, Landemeldung wird in den Briefkasten geworfen. Taxi oder Mietwagen müssen vorbestellt werden. Bei unseren Ankünften war der Flugplatz leer.
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas LL100 EUR Total truck   12.07.17
Avgas 100ll EUR Total 01 39 56 31 26 to call fuel truck  20.06.17
Jet A1 EUR 0139562970  25.10.12
Jet A1 EUR Total per fueltruck, Anruf unter 01 39563126  16.07.11
Avgas 100LL EUR   12.04.11
Avgas 100LL EUR Total incl. Tax with Fuel Truck  25.05.09
Avgas 100LL EUR   03.08.08
Avgas 100LL EUR Total Fuel Truck  12.02.06
Avgas 100LL EUR   01.10.04
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
12.07.17 Edwin Slonim
Single < 2 to. SR22 €20 landing fee, €1.90/hr parking Don't bother fiddling with the card access machjne,. the door is open ! Read the sign on the w
13.08.16 Olver Rudin
Single < 2 to. P46T LDG 16.68€ ex VAT. PKG 1.61€/Hr ex VAT
12.03.07 Egon Steiner
Single < 2 to. M20K 14 Euro, 1 Day Parking
12.02.06 Thorsten Weilekes
Single < 2 to. M20M 15 Euro Landing and 2 days parking
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  Images of this airport
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