16.02.2025 20:51:48 PRD
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LGKF, Kefallinia





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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
14.08.24 Chris Leontopoulos
Expect €175 for a 1.5 MTOW light aircraft for landing/handling and PPR fee, while for a weekend stay €270 approximately. No AVGAS though. Goldair handling (the handler should be the primary point of contact) are efficient.
My grade: It's a ripoff but I have seen worse    Category:   City access   
18.08.22 Pierre Philippe GARRY
We all know since Fraport flying in Greece is nice but when you land you always bite the bullet. So I was quiet surprise I payed "only" 150€ (105€ Handling + 45 airport and Fraport) for a 10 days stay. And in this price I had 2 PPR requests because I had to change my plan because of Brindisi. My plane is small 1MTOW. But in normal conditions for such configuration you can hope 120€
My grade: Your average airport for the area    Category:   Beach/Nature/Camping   
13.08.17 Chris Leontopoulos
GA friendly and efficient with a new yet important twist! New Frapport management increased the fees (landing, parking, disbursements through handler, etc.) by 5 times. So, 149 Euros for an SR22 for one week. Be an AOPA member and call Maria of Goldair for the mandatory handling to survive.
My grade: Your average airport for the area    Category:   City access    Romantic getaway   
02.01.12 Chris Leontopoulos
One of the best places to visit by Air. Still no Avgas (unfortunately) and handling with Swissport (21 Euro if you show an AOPA card). Kefalonia has everything one can ask for (crystal clear beaches, Ainos mountain 5000 feet. Fuel up in Corfu if you plan to fly in the area.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access    Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
18.07.10 Chris Leontopoulos
Captain Corelli's Mandolin island... Excellent place to visit. Say you are AOPA member and pay 17.5 Euro handling fee. No Avgas. For Avgas go to LGKR (15 mins flight). Rent a car from the airport and go to scenic places (Argostoli, Assos, Antisamos, etc.)
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
05.08.07 Nicholas Bartzelai
Beautiful island to visit and stay for holidays.

No AVGAS !!!
My grade: Your average airport for the area    Category:   Romantic getaway   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR no Avgas  14.08.24
Avgas 100LL EUR No Avgas  18.08.22
EUR Still no Avgas  24.08.17
Avgas 100LL EUR No Avgas  03.09.15
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
14.08.24 Chris Leontopoulos
Single < 2 to. SR22 Expect to €175 approximately for landing, handling and PPR fee then expect about €10-€25 per day for parking.
18.08.22 Pierre Philippe GARRY
Single < 2 to. DR360 105 handling (but 2 PPR charged) 45 airport fees for 10 days parking I confirm Maria from Goldair is the person to call reactive and very kind (Syserv in LGKF has a big lack of communication)
13.08.17 Chris Leontopoulos
Single < 2 to. SR22 149 Euros using discounted AOPA card (landing approx 60, handling 50, disbursement fees plus VAT Call Maria of Goldair handling agents for your PPR and the rest
02.01.12 Chris Leontopoulos
Single < 2 to. SR22 22.5 Euro (inc. VAT) for AOPA members Call Swissport 24 hours before you arrive. Landing fees 7.3 for N-reg and 3.6 for EASA-reg airplanes (per day)
18.07.10 Chris Leontopoulos
Single < 2 to. Cirrus SR22 17.5 Euro fee (for handling). 3.6 or 7.3 Euro per day landing fee for EU/N-reg aircraft respectively
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 03.09.15 by F. Ragousas [sxarf]
Submitted 03.09.15 by F. Ragousas [sxarf]
Submitted 03.09.15 by F. Ragousas [sxarf]
Submitted 03.09.15 by F. Ragousas [sxarf]
Melissani Lake
Submitted 02.01.12 by Chris Leontopoulos [ttjclz]
Submitted 02.01.12 by Chris Leontopoulos [ttjclz]
aerial view of main town Argostoli, during approach
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