27.07.2024 12:27:43 PRD
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LGMG, Megara





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Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
31.08.23 Petakas
The airport contacts for PPR
(not needed unless parking overnight i.e. anything more than a day's visit)
FAX +302296023601
EMAIL: megap@hasp.gov.gr
TELEPHONE +302296027330.
Always check Megara LGMG data of AIP Greece at https://aisgr.hasp.gov.gr/
FUEL available 6 days (Tuesday to Sunday) but also check LGMG NOTAM's and AIP Greece Megara Page for details.
12.03.17 Petakas
For general info. about flying in Greece visit
Megara LGMG is mentioned in paragraph 24.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
19.08.15 Pierre Philippe GARRY
Need PNR. Very easy by mail or phone. VFR only. Airport is shared with military helicopters. Trafic is quite high for this kind of airport and publish a VAC should be a good idea. To avoid such "taxi to E..." from AFIS dedicated only for local pilots who knows where E is... I presume.
But VERY friendly airport like GA like. No Handling No Tax (on Bob Marley tune)
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop   
12.05.10 Chris Leontopoulos
Prior permission required (fax usually). Call to confirm. Aerodrome parking nearly full with GA. You MAY additionally need to contact some local Service Centre or local Aeroclub to get help with temporary parking in a hangar or outside.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
01.04.09 F. Ragousas
Nearly 80% of Greek maintenance shops and GA , based there! VFR,daylight airport.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
18.11.08 F. Ragousas
Ask prior permission from Airport Authority on fax +30 22960 23601, if you request to remain overnight.
Call TAXI on 6946 11555 or 6944 567733 and ask him to drive you to the train station .From there,there is a nice train to Athens center.Takes 1 hour and departs every 2 hours.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop   
03.06.08 Dr. Klaus Köber
Prior permission required!


You need 2 hours to Citycenter by taxi, train and Metro.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access   
03.02.08 Nicholas Bartzelai
The only available GA airfield near Athens.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR AirBP   31.08.23
Avgas 100LL EUR AirBP Price includes VAT 24% - Fuel avialable all days at airport operation hours EXCEPT Mondays.  01.02.19
Avgas 100LL EUR AirBP   31.08.18
Avgas 100LL EUR AirBP Price includes VAT 24% - Fuel avialable all days at airport operation hours EXCEPT Mondays.  26.08.18
Jet A1 EUR AirBP Price includes VAT 24% - Fuel avialable all days at airport operation hours EXCEPT Mondays.  08.03.17
Avgas 100LL EUR AirBP Price includes VAT 24% - Fuel avialable all days at airport operation hours EXCEPT Mondays.  08.03.17
Avgas 100LL EUR AirBP includes VAT 23%  15.03.16
Avgas 100LL EUR AirBP includes VAT 23%  25.10.15
Avgas 100LL EUR BP fast. Park in the end of the apron near the truck. NO FUEL ON MONDAY  19.08.15
Avgas 100LL EUR Air BP   19.11.12
Jet A1 EUR BP No fuelling on Mondays & Wednesdays  31.03.09
Avgas 100LL EUR BP   03.02.08
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
24.08.17 Chris Leontopoulos
Single < 2 to. SR22 3.6 or 7.3 per day if you are EASA or not Register
21.03.17 Petakas
Single < 2 to. TB20 1,63 Euro per day for European register - 7,34 for non European register 12 Euro passenger feee per non crew per departure to other airport (non local flight)
31.03.09 F. Ragousas
Single < 2 to. Usualy very low fees
03.06.08 Dr. Klaus Köber
Single < 2 to. PA28R No!
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 05.11.15 by Petakas [petakas]
General Aviation Apron
Submitted 25.10.15 by Petakas [petakas]
Official Airport chart by Army Aviation
Submitted 18.07.11 by Petakas [petakas]
Civil apron on east side of airport as seen from short final runway 26L.
Submitted 18.07.11 by Petakas [petakas]
Airport overview from west towards east with the new parallel runway and taxiways complete. Masked area is military.
Submitted 18.11.08 by F. Ragousas [sxarf]
Submitted 07.11.08 by F. Ragousas [sxarf]
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