27.07.2024 03:59:30 PRD
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LKMT, Mosnov

Ostrava, Czech Republic




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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
19.09.15 Samuel Pluess
It's a rip off!!
My grade: Your average airport for the area    Category:   City access   
01.09.13 Stephan Schwab
We needed a place to stay overnight and refuel. People are very friendly and helpful. 30m taxi ride to the city. It is a former military base that sleeps most of the time until a few scheduled flights show up.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
26.05.08 Daniel Just
Quick, friendly staff.
My grade: Your average airport for the area    Category:  
08.07.07 Egon Steiner
Rasches, effizientes Handling.
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Jet A1 CZK  EUR 1.75 Shell   19.09.15
Avgas 100LL CZK  EUR 1.80 Shell plus VAT  01.09.13
Jet A1 EUR VAT included  22.02.10
Avgas 100LL EUR Shell   26.05.08
Avgas 100LL EUR   01.04.02
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
19.09.15 Samuel Pluess
Twin < 2 to. DA42 CZK 3139 (€116) for landing, handling & overnight parking it's a rip off!
01.09.13 Stephan Schwab
Single < 2 to. Cirrus SR20 2202,20 CZK for landing, handling, overnight parking 85,55 EUR incl. 21% VAT
22.02.10 Egon Steiner
Single < 2 to. PA46 69 Euro (Landing, Handling, Parking
30.05.08 A. de Dieuleveult
Single < 2 to. P28R Landing: 28 €; parking: 1.34 €/hour (day) or 0.67 €/hour (night); handling: 48 € Friendly staff
26.05.08 Daniel Just
Single < 2 to. SR20 Landing 28 EUR, Parking 1day 29 EUR, Handling 30 EUR
08.07.07 Egon Steiner
Single < 2 to. PA-46 88.-- Euros
19.11.05 Friedrich Buntz
Twin < 2 to. pa 34 80 €
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  Images of this airport
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