16.02.2025 19:30:15 PRD
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LKPR, Ruzyne

Praha, Czech Republic




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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
01.06.15 Henrik Knoblauch
Not much more to say about the fees. If you need the infrastructure due to bad weather, you need to go there. Service was good (as usual).
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access   
25.05.14 Hanspeter Brunner
Of course, if you are interested in a cheap access to Prague and do not like busy international airports, it is not the right place for you. But, if you like busy airports with all the challenge in radio, than it is a very nice place to land. We had to wait over T app. 10 min because there was a lot of IFR traffic. Excellent view over Prague from T. Also when we started, we were one of 5 aircrafts (rest IFR) and 2 landings in between. I found it just great. Given how busy the airport is I do not think that the fees are excessive.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access   
23.07.09 jan sekerka
For pilots visiting Prague I suggest to use LKLT-grass with subway C-line within 4 minuts walk and much lower fees..
My grade: Fair enough - it's a flat place to crash    Category:   City access   
20.08.08 Henrik Knoblauch
Good services, but extremly growing fees. Kind handling staff.
Time to the city 45 minutes by bus/metro.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access   
03.04.07 A. de Dieuleveult
Bus 119 to Dejvická and Metro Line A to city centre; or
Bus 100 to Zlicín and Metro Line B to city centre.
Tickets can be bought in the Terminal Jih for 20 CZK (with coins)

My grade: Your average airport for the area    Category:   City access   
27.01.06 Bachmann, Kai
Category:   City access   
04.09.05 Thomas Engel
Landing fee 16 EUR (Cessna 172), Parking Day 1 EUR / per 2 hours, Parking Night 0,50 EUR / per 2 hours, Handling Agent appr. 17 EUR (will be automatically assigned to you by authorities/tower, if you don`t have chosen one in advance by phone or www., picks you up with crew bus from RWY 22/04 which is out of order and is used as GA parking. Do not forget your international passport, I.D.cards not accepted (CZ since may, 2004 Schengen country. Things maybe have changed). Approach easily VFR by reporting points and routes, if you get lost request radar vectors.
Flightplan must state VORs/NDB for each 30 min flighttime and point of border crossing, drawn on the next bigger city on the territory of the Czech Republic (e.g. EET/KYDNE0050). Prague Radar also requests VFR entry/reporting points on the flight plan (e.g. BEROUN – RUDNA – KACICE). Also on return flight plan on departure!! The reporting points will be used for VFR traffic as holding fixes/patterns, if IFR Approaches/Dep are conducted. Jeppesen VFR Charts are absolutely recommended in addition to ICAO Charts, because they show the compulsory reporting points much better.
Entry into the Czech Republic best with continuous descend from your Flight level to 1000 ft AGL and radio contact to Prague Information. Reporting point RUDNA easy to find if on following the highway passing the airport LKHV Horovice.
Absolutely necessary the Jeppesen Bottlang Aerodrome Chart or other – for Rwy and taxiway identification.

Public transportation: Take Bus Line 100 and continue with Metro train to the city , for approx. 1 EUR. Ticket valid 1h. On change from bus depot to Metro you have one of the nicest Shopping Malls in Europe. Best leave the Metro at Karlovo namesti (Karlsplatz). 5 min walk to the city.

On flight back allow for appr. 1h extra time for flight plan, customs clearance, etc.
Tax Free Refund vouchers first get stamped by customs officers, then Tax Refund at Duty Free Shop in cash or remittance to credit cards.

My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR   26.05.14
Avgas 100LL EUR Prague Fuelling Services Billed through handling  08.11.13
Avgas 100LL EUR   08.11.13
Jet A1 USD  EUR 2.29 Contract fuel price through JPI LLC (www.jpifly.com)  29.06.07
Avgas 100LL EUR Exxon 33.32 CZK /l + 13.71 CZK /l Excise Tax + 19% VAT (!)  11.07.06
Avgas 100LL EUR   01.08.03
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
31.12.15 Johannes Scupin
Single < 2 to. SR22T Ldg 47€, parking overnight 23€, handling 55€ (menziesaviation), slot ass. 9€
01.06.15 Henrik Knoblauch
Single < 2 to. C182 Ldg 47€, airport pax tax 26€ (two pilots accepted!), handling 86€ (Czech GH, no choice), parking 35€ (2 nights) http://www.prg.aero/en/business-section/aviation-business/charges-and-incentives/airport-charges/
26.05.14 Hanspeter Brunner
Single < 2 to. DA40 Landing fee €46, airport pax tax €26, handling €45, parking fee (2 nights) €52
11.01.14 Henrik Knoblauch
Single < 2 to. C210 Ldg VFR 41€, handling 66€, parking 1,30€/hour, each PAX 25€ (!!!) (all incl. 21% VAT) http://www.prg.aero/en/business-section/aviation-business/charges-and-incentives/airport-charges/
08.11.13 Edwin Slonim
Single < 2 to. SR22 120 Euro Overnight, handling + parking + landing fees, use of private terminal for entry/exit
20.08.08 Henrik Knoblauch
Single < 2 to. C210 Landing 82€, Parking 26h 29€, 4 Pax 106€ (!!) , Handling 30€ Ask for "cheap" arrival slot. There is a "happy hour" each day, where commercial traffic is low. Discounts up to 50% possible.
26.05.08 Bachmann, Kai
Single < 2 to. SR20 Landing 1674,-CZK / Parking 5Hours 140,-CZK / each PAX525,-CZK / Handling 600,-CZK / +aditional TAX 19% Summe 4123,- CZK that`s Horrible !!!!
03.04.07 A. de Dieuleveult
Single < 2 to. PA28 75 € for a 23 hr stay (same distribution as G. Fravi below) As from 01.04.07, landing fees supposedly increased from 372 to 1700 CZK (up to 9 to. MTOW)
06.11.06 Dirk Wahrheit
VLA MCR 01 50 € all fees including landing, security, handling, parking for 18 h, etc
11.07.06 Gondini A. Fravi
Single < 2 to. PA 28 Landing 372 CKZ, Approach 357 CZK, Handling 600 CZK, Parking 28 CZK/h day, 14 CZK /h night; plus 19% VAT except on Approach fee 1 Pax: 468 CZK, pls. 19% VAT
27.01.06 Bachmann, Kai
Single < 2 to. SR20 70,- €
31.10.05 Amarendran Subramanian
Other Type: SR20 70 Euro all fees including landing, security, handling, parking for 26 h, etc
04.09.05 Thomas Engel
Single < 2 to. C172 16 EUR Landing fee Parking Day 1 EUR / per 2 hours, Parking Night 0,50 EUR / per 2 hours, Handling Agent appr. 17 EUR
04.09.05 Thomas Engel
Single < 2 to. C172 16 EUR Landing fee Parking Day 1 EUR / per 2 hours, Parking Night 0,50 EUR / per 2 hours, Handling Agent appr. 17 EUR
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 09.11.13 by Jakub Starovic [overfly]
Submitted 31.10.05 by Amarendran Subramanian [amarendran]
Runway 06 approach on 29th October 2005
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