22.10.2024 05:52:25 PRD
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HTSN, Seronera
Tanzania, United Rep. Of




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Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
28.12.10 Cheyenne Max
Well maintained gravel strip in the heart of the Serengeti. Permission through park authority required. No infrastructure, prepare pickup well in advance. Wonderful wildlife.
My grade: Your average airport for the area    Category:   Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
28.12.10 Cheyenne Max
Twin < 5,7 to. PAY1 No landing fee, but a 100 USD Park fee for private aircraft. Make sure you let the park ranger know it's a private flight, commercial is $200.
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 28.12.10 by Cheyenne Max [n191ma]
The Park Ranger Station. The only structure in the area.
Submitted 28.12.10 by Cheyenne Max [n191ma]
Aircraft parking area.
Submitted 28.12.10 by Cheyenne Max [n191ma]
Parking area for pickups.
Submitted 28.12.10 by Cheyenne Max [n191ma]
View from the west.
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Captain's Log: This airport is featured in 1 trip reports.
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Trip Report by: Reiner Meutsch 13.07.2011

Afrika Expedition für Fly&Help
Tage 16 und 17: Motorausfall auf dem Nil - Im Tal der Könige - Unfassbare Behandlung auf Kreta: gehört Griechenland zu Europa? Bei unserer Ankunft auf dem Airport Luxor sind wir das einzige Flugzeug. Unser ... [read]

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