27.07.2024 07:43:19 PRD
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LFPL, Emerainville
Paris, France




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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
04.07.23 Henrik Knoblauch
Excellent airfield when coming from the east. Short ways, bus stop is directly located outside the terminal. Bus will lead you to the RER station, where you can buy the Paris Visitor Tickets for the public transport. Transfer time from the airport to the city about 45 minutes. Refueling is done by Total Card. If you don´t have one, there will be a guy (i think he is from the aeroclub) to assist. But you should advise this upfront. Be aware that Englisch radio is not available all the time. Check for the notam or better give them a call.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
28.10.09 Steve Green
This a superb airfield for access to Paris due to other larger ones being unavailable to VFR/private flights these days. Taxi almost impossible to get when we tried so best to forget it unless you've got heavy luggage. However, the RER station isn't far away and can be walked in 30 mins or so by following the bus route (go out of airport, turn right at the main road, then left at the first roundabaout and follow the bus-stops until you see a sign indicating RER). My wife and I did that with 'wheely luggage' no problem since it's flat. The bus to the RER only runs in the morning or afternoon to get people to/from work I assume, so is quite useless for most arrivals. However, the RER goes very frequently and gets you to Auber/Opera (central Paris) in 30 minutes, costing EUR 4 or 5 one-way. Tower staff were really nice when we met them and one guy even gave us a lift to the RER station on his way home. On one occasion the tower was closed but no NOTAM was posted to indicate this - so I had to do air to air in bad French. (May be worth calling first to check whether the tower will be manned on your arrival). There is a briefing system at the tower but it's some bizarre French thing that I couldn't understand at all.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access    Romantic getaway   
25.09.05 Andreas Riedel
Petrol is only available through the flying club who do not like to sell if than only by cash. Better to arrange before landing.
Beware!!! Taxies not available during lunch times. Or very difficult to get. Best book before arrival.
RER € 8,80 for return ticket to Paris
Taxi around €10,00

17.09.05 Andreas Riedel
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access   
01.09.05 Andreas Riedel
Der Ideale Flugplatz für einen Besuch in Paris von Deutschland. Taxi kann vom Tower bestellt werden. Es sind 5 Minuten zur RER (Schnellzug) direkt nach Paris. Benzin über Club möglich aber nur gegen Barzahlung.
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR Total TAX and VAT included.  19.08.23
Avgas 100LL EUR Total TAX and VAT included. Be aware of the obligatory FUEL CHARGE RATE (47€/1000kg!)  04.07.23
Avgas 100LL EUR Cash or TOTAL Card only! fuel station closes az 16:00 UTC  02.07.08
Avgas 100LL EUR   25.06.06
Avgas 100LL EUR   01.08.02
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
19.08.23 Henrik Knoblauch
Single < 2 to. P28R 21,60€ 1 Ldg and 3 days parking (invoice is send via mail)
28.10.09 Steve Green
VLA MCR1 Landing fee EUR 8 Flew in from Germany.
21.10.05 Andreas Riedel
Twin < 2 to. PA 30 Landing Fee € 8,00
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 04.07.23 by Henrik Knoblauch [henrik_k]
Final RWY 08
Submitted 25.06.06 by AID Staff [aid-staff]
from the north
Submitted 25.09.05 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
on final for 08
Submitted 25.09.05 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
Downwind for 08
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Captain's Log: This airport is featured in 1 trip reports.
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Trip Report by: Philipp Tiemann 02.04.2014

Kurztrip nach Paris
Kurzer Bericht zu einem Flug von Norddeutschland nach Paris in der letzten Woche. Das Wetter war diesmal kein Thema - es gab schlicht kein erwähnenswertes Wetter auf beiden Flügen. Guter Anlass aber um ... [read]

Lubeck Blankensee EDHL | Emerainville LFPL


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