27.07.2024 17:33:21 PRD
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LPHR, Horta





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Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
28.11.12 Cheyenne Max
Small airfield, friendly, but not used to GA.
My grade: Fair enough - it's a flat place to crash    Category:   Beach/Nature/Camping   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Jet A1 EUR CAUTION: Credit card accepted, but only after 60 mins of paperwork. Not used to GA-Operators. Monitor refueling closely. Fueler walked on wing of light a/c.  28.11.12
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
28.11.12 Cheyenne Max
Twin < 5,7 to. PAY1 Airport fees about 70 euros for overnight, but 200 Euro fee for PPR customs when used as airport of entry. Better use LPPD or LPAZ for entry without the 200 euro PPR-customs-fee.
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 28.11.12 by Cheyenne Max [n191ma]
The apron with Mt. Pico in the back.
Submitted 28.11.12 by Cheyenne Max [n191ma]
Submitted 28.11.12 by Cheyenne Max [n191ma]
Approach from the west.
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Captain's Log: This airport is featured in 1 trip reports.
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Trip Report by: Jan Brill 29.11.2012

Return via the Azores - 1.180 NM blue water
After a successful customer-mission in the Caribbean, our Cheyenne I "Max" returns home. Though this time, faced with -30°C in Greenland, the crew decides in favor of the more southern and pleasant route ... [read]

Republic KFRG | St Johns Intl CYYT | Horta LPHR | Ponta Delgada LPPD | Vigo LEVX | Buochs LSZC | Mannheim City EDFM


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