27.07.2024 11:06:16 PRD
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LPPM, Portimao





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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
30.08.16 Christian Bayerlein
Friendly people. In some way a little bit stubborn. We had to carry a pile of luggage all the way around since it was not possible to access the apron by taxi.
My grade: Your average airport for the area    Category:   Beach/Nature/Camping   
17.06.14 Jörg H. Trauboth
Be aware of hilly area in the approach 29 or take off 11. No airfield access without warning vest. Portimao airfield 282 495 828. Lagos town is much nicer than Portimao. Don't miss a local light around SGR VOR.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
14.05.13 Arndt Lauterbach
Very friendly GA field. Landing + 2 Days parking 36,65€ incl VAT
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
09.06.11 Cheyenne Max
Great GA field. Friendly service.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
01.05.07 Barry Ward
Nice airfield. Friendly service. Cheap landing fees and Avgas 1.35 E/liter Nice clean apartments nearby Santa Terresinha. Tel +351 282 492071 Lidia Martins speaks very good English. Also she can arrange rental cars. Very good stop to visit the south of Portugal.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Beach/Nature/Camping   
16.02.06 Frank Hugger
Nice airfield with 900 m paved runway at the south coast of the algarve. Avgas and restaurant available. Nice beaches nearby.
Category:   Fuelstop    Beach/Nature/Camping   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR Confirmed, they accept cash only. No cards. Portugese ATM machines provide only 200€/day !!!!  21.08.16
Avgas 100LL EUR Cash only!   17.06.14
Jet A1 EUR inkl Tax, getting expensive, CASH only  08.05.14
Jet A1 EUR incl 23% IVA  14.05.13
Jet A1 EUR CASH ONLY  09.06.11
EUR   11.06.09
Avgas 100LL EUR excellent GA -airport,very frendly,ovoid Faro(lpfr)exorbitant handling fees(300€)  11.06.09
Avgas 100LL EUR price for commercial flights (say you are on a commercial flight !)  11.06.09
Avgas (Taxfree) 100LL EUR   01.05.05
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
07.05.14 Arndt Lauterbach
Single < 2 to. P46T Landing 10,60 + VAT; Parking 12,80€ + VAT one night
09.06.11 Cheyenne Max
Twin < 5,7 to. PAY1 Landing: 14,40 / Parking 8,- per day
15.07.07 jean_ple
Twin < 5,7 to. pay2
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 02.12.14 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
Base to 29
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Captain's Log: This airport is featured in 1 trip reports.
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Trip Report by: Jan Brill 14.06.2011

Lisbon and Algarve – CFMU routing fun all the way to the tip of Europe
Lisbon for business then 8 days vacation in an Algarve Resort (Martinhal). Initial fuel stop in ELLX then one leg to Lisbon's GA-field Cascais (LPCS). Avoid LPPT due to high fees and parking restrictions. ... [read]

Mainz Finthen EDFZ | Luxembourg ELLX | Cascais LPCS | Portimao LPPM | Cordoba LEBA


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