27.07.2024 06:49:09 PRD
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EDQT, Hassfurt Schweinfurt





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Homepage: www.flugplatz-hassfurt.de/ 
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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
16.10.19 Henrik Knoblauch
Nice airport with service orientated staff. Unfortunately no restaurant at the moment available.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
03.03.13 Alexander Bubenik
Nice and convenient service at the airfield. The city of Haßfurt - located in Lower Franconia, pretty close to the Main River, is just a 20 minutes march away. The centre of Hassfurt features a couple of historic sites e.g. the "Stadtpfarrkirche St. Kilian" dated 1390 (containing statuary artworks of Tilman Riemenschneider ), the "Ritterkapelle St. Maria" dated 1431 and much more.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Mogas 100LL EUR Price is 1,93€/ltr. I don´t know why it always displays 1,70€, regardless what you enter  16.10.19
Avgas 100LL EUR Total   30.01.15
Avgas 100LL EUR Total   30.01.15
Avgas 100LL EUR Total Deutschland GmbH   02.03.13
Jet A1 EUR   01.03.04
Avgas 100LL EUR   01.03.04
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
24.07.18 Alexander Bubenik
Single < 2 to. C172R landing fee 12,50 € + 6,-- € approach fee RNAV (GPS) RWY 29
30.01.15 christof brenner
Single < 2 to. Pa28R landing fee €9,- (incl.VAT)
30.01.15 christof brenner
Single < 2 to. Pa28R landing fee €9,- (incl.VAT)
02.03.13 Alexander Bubenik
Single < 2 to. C182Q landing fee 9,-- € (incl. VAT) low noise certificate
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 02.03.13 by Alexander Bubenik [profaxel]
Right Downwind Runway 11
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Captain's Log: This airport is featured in 1 trip reports.
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Trip Report by: Philipp Tiemann 13.10.2013

IFR-Übungsrunde Egelsbach - Haßfurt - Giebelstadt - Egelsbach
Habe heute ein kleine IFR-Übungsrunde mit Lisa Frankfurt gemacht. Das bei idealem Soft-IFR-Wetter. Anlass war die Einführung der Instrumentenflugverfahren in Haßfurt (gibt's erst seit gut 3 Wochen). Bei ... [read]

Egelsbach EDFE | Hassfurt Schweinfurt EDQT | Giebelstadt EDQG | Egelsbach EDFE


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