27.07.2024 07:43:19 PRD
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EDFE, Egelsbach





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Homepage: www.egelsbach-airport.de 
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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
28.09.12 Armin Mueller
Check and compare fuel prices before you refill. Prices are prohibitive here. AVGAS is on average 25 Cent cheaper in EDFC an 30 Cent in EDFZ!
My grade: It's a ripoff but I have seen worse    Category:  
12.08.12 Harald Dreher
Very friendly and forward service. Handling was also done for Sixt rental car. Busy GA traffic.
Category:   City access   
27.08.09 Christoph Winter
Very friendly service. Access to Offenbach with Taxi about 20 minutes and 35€.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access   
22.07.08 Armin Mueller
Good and friendly service. However the LDG fees are scary. A good and much cheaper alternative for qick access to the Frankfurt area is Aschaffenburg EDFC.
21.02.07 Füeßl Martin
We were welcomed by a good and friendly service both on the radio and on ground.
My grade: Fair enough - it's a flat place to crash    Category:   City access   
18.07.06 Wolfgang Hatzack
Taxi to Frankfurt Hbf (main station) approx. 40 EUR

04.06.06 Elmar Bresser
Very good and busy GA Airport. Egelsbach is a great example how GA Airports can relieve big Airports (EDDF) from GA Traffic. Quick and fair handling, and if you arrive from the North it is worth to request the crossing of the Frankfurt CTR from November to Lima. If traffic in Frankfurt is not too busy they will make it possible.
My grade: Fair enough - it's a flat place to crash    Category:   City access   
02.05.06 Max Sutter
06.08.05 Jan Brill
Pretty much the only access point to the greater Frankfurt area if you don't fly into EDDF (and pay!). Service is ok, but connections to the cities of Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden are poor. If you go to Mainz or Wiesbaden, consider Finthen (EDFZ) as a less costly alternative.

2 km walk to the train station east of the field. Rental car can be arranged via the airport office. Taxi is expensive.

PC-Metservice is available in the airport office. Nice restaurant.
My grade: Fair enough - it's a flat place to crash    Category:   City access   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Jet (Taxfree) EUR For AOC holders  07.11.22
Jet A1 EUR Triwo   07.11.22
Avgas 100LL EUR Triwo Not BP anymore  07.11.22
Other UL91 EUR BP CREDITCARD carries a 3% surcharge to be paid by customer on top  19.06.19
Jet A1 EUR BP CREDITCARD carries a 3% surcharge to be paid by customer on top  19.06.19
Avgas 100LL EUR CREDITCARD carries a 3% surcharge to be paid by customer on top  19.06.19
Avgas 100LL EUR   26.02.14
Avgas 100LL EUR Highest fuelprice among all airports around Frankfurt, better refuel in EDFC or EDFZ  28.09.12
Avgas 100LL EUR BP http://www.egelsbach-airport.com/piloteninfo_flugbetriebsstoff_preise.de.html  21.08.12
Jet (Taxfree) A1 EUR BP http://www.egelsbach-airport.com/piloteninfo_flugbetriebsstoff_preise.de.html  23.03.12
Jet A1 EUR BP http://www.egelsbach-airport.com/piloteninfo_flugbetriebsstoff_preise.de.html  23.03.12
Avgas 100LL EUR Air BP 2 filling stations available  15.08.11
Jet (Taxfree) A1 EUR BP !! no Shell Carnets !!  10.08.10
Jet A1 EUR BP !! no Shell Carnets !!  10.08.10
Avgas 100LL EUR BP !! no Shell Carnets !!  10.08.10
Avgas 100LL EUR   05.07.09
Avgas 100LL EUR BP VAT included  18.07.06
Other Oxygen EUR Available from Roeder Maintenance during business hrs  06.08.05
Jet A1 EUR BP   06.08.05
Avgas 100LL EUR BP Truck service only for helicopters, heavy twins of if you say please, please, please!  05.09.05
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
07.11.22 Anthony Gomes
Single < 2 to. P28A Landing 17,33€ + Parking 5,9€ https://egelsbach-airport.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Lande-und-Abstellgebuehren-2022_ENG.pdf
12.08.12 Harald Dreher
Single < 2 to. C172SPIII 14,70 landing; 5,-- for 26hrs (all incl VAT)
27.08.09 Christoph Winter
Single < 2 to. BE33 28,99 MTOW 1542kg, VAT included
02.07.09 David Driggers
Single < 2 to. TB10 €15,62 stopped for lunch and charts
09.06.09 Armin Mueller
Twin < 5,7 to. C421 133,44 €!!! 17,95 € short time parking fee comes on top Scary fees! LDG fee in EDFC as alternate is only 31,27 € same aircraft
21.02.07 Füeßl Martin
Single < 2 to. C-210 landing fee 18,70 € - parking 10.31 € per night (all incl. tax)
03.09.06 Alexander Bubenik
Single < 2 to. C182 landing fee 10,32 € Low noise according to LLV (Landeplatz Lärmschutz Verordnung)
18.07.06 Wolfgang Hatzack
Single < 2 to. P28A landing 7.16 € parking (1 night) 5.17 € VAT included
04.06.06 Elmar Bresser
Single < 2 to. C172 Rocket landing fee 14.31 € incl. VAT
05.09.05 Florian Guthardt
Single < 2 to. PA28RT201T Landing 10,50€ (1315kg; low noise certificate)
29.08.05 Christoph Schneider
Single < 2 to. SR20 25,00 EUR extreme expensive landing charges compared to their service
06.08.05 Jan Brill
Twin < 2 to. PA30 Landing 23,- / Parking 12,- per night check www.egelsbach-airport.de
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 19.01.11 by Michael Stumpf [mstumpf]
seen from the west
Submitted 05.02.10 by Jan Brill [janbrill]
Seen from the northwest. ©EDFE
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Captain's Log: This airport is featured in 4 trip reports.
View all reports Write a trip report

Trip Report by: Mathias Göschl 27.06.2011

Lisa-Trip to Sweden
... ... [read]

Egelsbach EDFE | Anklam EDCA | Rugen EDCG | Visby ESSV | Uelzen EDVU | Kassel Calden EDVK


Trip Report by: Philipp Tiemann 13.10.2013

IFR-Übungsrunde Egelsbach - Haßfurt - Giebelstadt - Egelsbach
Habe heute ein kleine IFR-Übungsrunde mit Lisa Frankfurt gemacht. Das bei idealem Soft-IFR-Wetter. Anlass war die Einführung der Instrumentenflugverfahren in Haßfurt (gibt's erst seit gut 3 Wochen). Bei ... [read]

Egelsbach EDFE | Hassfurt Schweinfurt EDQT | Giebelstadt EDQG | Egelsbach EDFE


Trip Report by: Jan Brill 06.03.2014

Einmal rund um Italien: Flyout-Vorbereitung mit Lisa
Fotos von Alexander Wipf Die groben Stationen des Leserflyouts 2014 waren schon im Januar definiert worden. Es sollte nach Süden gehen, das hatten wir auf dem Flyout 2012 in Norwegen feierlich versprochen. ... [read]

Egelsbach EDFE | Le Castellet LFMQ | Boccadifalco LICP | Luqa LMML | Dubrovnik LDDU | Kaposvar LHKV | Wiener Neustadt East LOAN


Trip Report by: B. Quax F. 16.08.2014

Quax goes south
Für alle die es interessiert und vielleicht im Urlaub Langeweile haben, viel Spaß! (Bericht ist im PDF Dokument, auch zum mitnehmen geeignet :-) ... [read]

Schonhagen EDAZ | Innsbruck LOWI | Egelsbach EDFE | Allgau EDJA | Elmas LIEE | Poretta LFKB


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