27.07.2024 06:45:21 PRD
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ESSV, Visby





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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
25.09.10 Samuel Pluess
Hotel to recommend: Best Western Strand Hotel, Visby
Dinner recommendation: Vardshuset Lindgarden, Visby
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access    Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
18.07.10 skipper
beim Tanken empfiehlt es sich, eine Visa-Karte oder ähnliches zu nutzen.
Ganz wichtig dabei: Man muss die PIN-Nr. eingeben und wer weiß die schon von vornherein auswendig.
Wenn man versucht, mit einer Bank-EC-Karte zu bezahlen, dann geht das nur "schlückenweise" immer nur für 500 SEK. Ich musste das dann 4x machen um den Flieger SR20 voll zu bekommen.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop   
06.04.10 Lau Svensson
Great airport and great destination. Briefing facility has been moved inside the terminal. Extraordinary friendly personnel at the airport.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access    Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
19.06.09 Rudolf Koenig
Very relaxed regional airport, exceptional friendly ATC, excellent city access - 4 km to downtown. Unfortunately the nearby Aviation Museum is closed; as it looks, indefinitively. Possibility to stay at the local aeroclub (ATC is providing taxi instructions, observe clearances strictly!)in very very basic rooms. Bikes can be rented there as well. Call ahead! www.gfk.i.se .
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access   
25.05.08 Alexander Bubenik
Lovely little airport - you are leaving the apron through a revolving door next to the "C" office and getting back to your aircraft through the terminal building - absolutely uncomplicated (friendly people and short walks). Cab into the centre of Visby costs 130 SEK (approx. 14 €). It's a ten minutes drive. The centre of Visby itself appears like a mediaeval scenery - your simply awaiting Henry the Lion or King Waldemar IV. Atterdag behind the next corner.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   Fuelstop    City access    Romantic getaway    Beach/Nature/Camping   
01.04.08 AID Staff
Nice Airport. Simple. Friendly. Separate briefing facility next to the terminal. 5 Min Taxi (€ 7) to the city centre of historic Visby.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:   City access    Beach/Nature/Camping   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR 23,04 SEK/litre Self-service, Mastercard/Visa with PIN, required fuel amount must be specified in advance  18.06.12
Avgas 100LL SEK  EUR 2.17 Shell Self-Service with Credit Card  30.06.11
Jet A1 SEK  EUR .97 Shell Friendly service  25.09.10
Avgas 100LL EUR Shell Needs Pin Nr. for credit card and estimate fuel quantity  12.07.10
Avgas 100LL SEK  EUR 1.99 Shell Payed with visa. No penalty. Machine accepts creditcard and shell carnet  06.04.10
Avgas 100LL EUR Shell Svenska Attention, paying by credit card is penalized with an additional 100 SEK  06.04.10
Avgas 100LL EUR Shell Svenska Aviation e.g. Mastercard  19.10.09
Avgas 100LL EUR Shell Use Shell Carnet to avoid having to walk back to the airport office  01.04.08
Avgas 100LL SEK  EUR .94   03.06.05
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
09.07.11 Thomas Münsterer
Single < 2 to. PA28R 35,50 € Landing fee (without weekly season card)
25.09.10 Samuel Pluess
Twin < 2 to. DA42 SEK 500 (appr. 53 €) for one night stop over Landing fee SEK 250 and parking fee SEK 150 plus VAT 25%
19.06.09 Rudolf Koenig
Single < 2 to. SR20 800 SEK Weekly Season Card
25.05.08 Alexander Bubenik
Single < 2 to. C182 Weekly Season Card 500 SEK (approx. 56 €) (all landing fees and ATC Services)
01.04.08 AID Staff
Twin < 2 to. PA30 SEK 75,- or Weekly Season Card
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 06.04.10 by Lau Svensson [lauks]
Terminal and tower
Submitted 19.06.09 by Rudolf Koenig [rukoenig]
Airport view from Alt4000. North on top of the image. Note the grass runway, available on special request. The aeroclub is located on the bottom left.
Submitted 01.04.08 by AID Staff [aid-staff]
Approach to RWY 03.
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Captain's Log: This airport is featured in 2 trip reports.
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Trip Report by: Mathias Göschl 27.06.2011

Lisa-Trip to Sweden
... ... [read]

Egelsbach EDFE | Anklam EDCA | Rugen EDCG | Visby ESSV | Uelzen EDVU | Kassel Calden EDVK


Trip Report by: Frank Naumann 21.07.2012

Baltic crossing
One of the journeys I undertook lately lead me from my homebase in Austria across the Czech Republik, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and the Baltic Sea to Finland and back to Salzburg. I flew this with our aeroclub's ... [read]

Salzburg LOWS | Chemnitz Jahnsdorf EDCJ | Rugen EDCG | Visby ESSV | Helsinki Malmi EFHF | Visby ESSV | Bornholm Ronne EKRN | Chemnitz Jahnsdorf EDCJ | Salzburg LOWS


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