27.07.2024 11:45:54 PRD
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LFOB, Tille

Beauvais, France




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Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
03.06.19 Thomas Moore
If you're flying into LFOB, allow plenty of time to sort the paperwork in advance!

Recommend that you first contact the airport duty station manager by e-mail (dsm@aeroportbeauvais.com) to advise of your intention to visit, then follow that up with a phone call (+33 678 00 9664). For some reason, they don't seem to receive e-mails reliably but are helpful on the phone (and speak English).

The DSM will send over a form by e-mail, which needs to be completed and returned to arrange handling and a parking stand. It took two days of e-mails and phone calls to get a stand allocated for a PA32, despite being the only light aircraft there when we arrived.

Once parked, you are not permitted to disembark the aircraft until security officers arrive to check aircraft documents and escort you to the customs station. After a passport check, you are allowed to leave the restricted area via a turnstile in the security fence.

Allow plenty of time to get back to your aircraft for departure! After a security screening, I had to wait nearly 30 minutes outside in a holding area for someone to walk me 20 metres back to my aircraft (via a customs check).

Contrary to advice, AirTotal is not accepted for AVGAS but there is a self-service credit card pump available, which works well.

ATC were exceptionally helpful and very professional. The airport itself, however, was very frustrating to deal with and remarkably expensive.

There is a rumour that the flying schools were/are able to provide handling but I wasn't able to confirm this. Certainly worth checking out, since the airport handling fees are very high.
My grade: It's a ripoff but I have seen worse    Category:  
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR Shell Self-service pump accepting credit card  05.06.19
Avgas 100LL EUR   04.06.15
Avgas 100LL EUR   01.07.02
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
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  Images of this airport
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Captain's Log: This airport is featured in 3 trip reports.
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Trip Report by: T Knigge 19.06.2014

Pfingstausflug VFR nach Jersey
Hier ein paar Eindrücke vom Pfingstwochenende - von unsrem VFR-Ausflug nach Jersey. Es war sowohl für den Hinflug, als auch für den Rückflug jeweils ein Zwischenstopp in Frankreich geplant. Leider kam ... [read]

Rotenburg-Wumme EDXQ | Tille LFOB | Jersey EGJJ | St Gatien LFRG | Vallee De Seine LFOP | Bremen EDDW


Trip Report by: Gunter Haug 02.11.2014

Nordatlantik für fortgeschrittene Anfänger
Leider verlief unser Rückflug nach Europa nicht ganz so problemlos wie der Hinweg. Da es sich ja nicht um einen Ferry-Flug, sondern um eine Urlaubsreise handelte, wollten wir nicht den selben Weg in umgekehrter ... [read]

Bangor Intl KBGR | Goose Bay CYYR | Sondre Stromfjord BGSF | Reykjavik BIRK | Wick EGPC | Tille LFOB


Trip Report by: Robert Hartmann 04.06.2015

auf nach LFOB Beauvais
LOIH-LFOB Nachdem ich immer wenn irgend möglich meine geschäftlichen Termine mit Flugreisen verbinde plante ich schon Wochen vorab für einen Besuch in Frankreich. Ich bin flexibel da ich vor Ort Kollegen ... [read]

Tille LFOB | Friedrichshafen EDNY | Dornbirn LOIH


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