27.07.2024 13:23:49 PRD
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LFRG, St Gatien

Deauville, France




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Homepage: www.deauville.aeroport.fr/ 
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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
01.11.22 Nico Reyns
Restaurant still closed due to COVID. Coffee and small snacks available from distributors in the terminal building.
Very clean toilets.
Customs available upon prior request.
My grade: Fair enough - it's a flat place to crash    Category:   Fuelstop    Beach/Nature/Camping   
11.07.10 Bernhard Schnittger
Proximity to the beaches of Deauville and Trouville. Expect to pay around 24 Euros for the taxi to town. Computer for flight planning still out of order and not likely to be revived...
Category:   Beach/Nature/Camping   
14.08.09 Andreas Riedel
Friendly airport. At lunch sometimes difficult to make flightplanning, computer out of work
Category:   City access   
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
Action Type Grade   Pricing   Payment Vendor Additional Information Updated
Avgas 100LL EUR Air BP Mobile fuel browser, driver fills up for you  01.11.22
Avgas 100LL EUR BP   13.07.20
Avgas 100LL EUR air bp   17.09.19
Avgas 100LL EUR air bp   06.06.11
Avgas 100LL EUR   15.09.09
EUR   15.09.09
Avgas 100LL EUR   17.09.09
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
01.11.22 Nico Reyns
Single < 2 to. Diamond 20-C1 €17,76 1 full stop (VFR) and 1 hour parking
13.07.20 Andreas Ni
Twin < 5,7 to. BE60 117,00 EUR included landing and 3 nights parking
17.09.19 Sébastien Buisson
VLA MCR01 VLA 30.00 € Landing (13.20€) + Parking 1 night (16.80€)
27.12.18 Alexander Wipf
Single < 2 to. AA5A 36,13 EUR 11 EUR pro 24h
01.06.12 Ludger Schlotmann
Single < 2 to. SR22 35 € for landing and one Night Parking ParkingMay 2012
11.10.11 Nico Reyns
Single < 2 to. DA20 C1 €25,00 DOF/110831
18.06.11 T Knigge
Single < 2 to. M20J Landing: 15€; Parking (over night): 23€ Information from 2-June-2011
11.07.10 Bernhard Schnittger
Single < 2 to. R90R € 15 landing fee, € 10 parking for the day.
14.08.09 Andreas Riedel
Twin < 2 to. PA 30 Landing € 30,00 and parking for one night € 30,00 To expensive for France and size of airport
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 06.06.11 by T Knigge [privatpilot]
Photo taken during departure from 12 via SD and SG
(view represents also left base 30)
Submitted 15.09.09 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
Departure to the north west
Submitted 15.09.09 by Andreas Riedel [andreas]
Deauville Arrival
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Captain's Log: This airport is featured in 1 trip reports.
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Trip Report by: T Knigge 19.06.2014

Pfingstausflug VFR nach Jersey
Hier ein paar Eindrücke vom Pfingstwochenende - von unsrem VFR-Ausflug nach Jersey. Es war sowohl für den Hinflug, als auch für den Rückflug jeweils ein Zwischenstopp in Frankreich geplant. Leider kam ... [read]

Rotenburg-Wumme EDXQ | Tille LFOB | Jersey EGJJ | St Gatien LFRG | Vallee De Seine LFOP | Bremen EDDW


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